Shrine Of Abominations Kickstarter

A stop-motion horror fantasy epic!

Back the Kickstarter here!

It has been in secret production for 6 years, and is the culmination of two monster worshiping creatives‘ loyalty and love to Ray HarryhausenJack Kirby, horror films and weird cosmic stories of lost lore, demonic forces and monstrous entities from another dimension!We have been toiling for years to try and bring forth the greatest stop-motion monsterpiece of all time, but to get it finished, we need YOUR HELP! YOU are the key to the Shrine of Abominations universe! The creatures are howling to be set free, and you are integral to them wreaking havoc upon the silver screen! (And computer screen too!)

We are planning to make this first installment 30-45 minutes long, based on what more we can finish once we get the funding! The more money we get, the longer AND BETTER it will be! We brought in VFX/editing powerhouse, Kevin Fermini to help us finish this first chapter of the Shrine of Abominations universe, so it’s in good hands! Phil Tippett has assisted already and directed sections of the film, and we will have even more help from top animators at Tippett studios once it’s funded. Make no mistake, friends, THIS IS THE MONSTER MOVIE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! And we could not be happier to have you on this ride with us! This will be finished within 5-6 months of the Kickstarter ending!!

Feels Good Man Online Screening with Skinner



Metal Midnight Madness w/ Filmmakers Arthur Jones & Giorgio Angelini hosted by Skinner

Friday, August 28
8:00pm PT / 11:00pm ET

A funny, trippy, and thought-provoking film about how the Internet transformed an unlucky cartoon frog, and then the rest of the world.

Plus the opportunity to buy a signed copy of Matt Furie’s new collection of artwork Mindviscosity available at checkout!



Spray Planet Shirt Release & Interview


Head over to Spray Planet if you want a shirt with a sick vampire doing a spray paint on the walls? I wish I looked like this person i drew on this shirt and yet every day I get further and further away from it. Anyways let’s not dwell on what we aren’t, let’s just hang out and draw vampires until we are too old and forget how!

There’s also an interview here.



Video & Animation

Making films and doing storytelling has really grown into my main focus. Telling stories and connecting with people on projects has been an incredible way to grow for me!

Skinner's Hell Dream

Play Video

Back Issues

Play Video

Mastodon Asleep in the Deep Video

Play Video

High on Fire Black Plot Video

Play Video

Mastodon Sultan's Curse Tour Visuals

Play Video

Drawing with Skinner Ep. 2

Play Video

Drawing with Skinner Ep. 3

Play Video

Drawing with Skinner Ep. 4

Play Video

Drawing with Skinner Ep. 5

Play Video

Drawing with Skinner Ep. 6

Play Video

Santa Cruz Skateboard TV Spot

Play Video

Planet of Doom FX Pedal

Play Video

Halloween Pop Up Card

Play Video

Adult Swim Walking Sequences

Play Video

Azathoth Invoked Timelapse

Play Video

Adult Swim Stop Motion Monster Faces

Play Video



A psychedelic slice of various pieces made for shows, commissions, and projects over the last couple years. Acrylic, airbrush and ink on canvas, paper or wood.

Back Issues: Fred reveals his inner beast at his nephew’s birthday party

I made this short film to high light my love for the strange and beautiful social misfits and characters that gravitate towards comic shops like moths to a flame. I myself am one of these social misfits. I created it with a great animator in Ottawa, Canada, named Trevor Borrens. I created the monologue to exercise improvised monologues based on weird stories I had heard in comic shops and then I exaggerated the shit out of them….Trevor and I were going back and forth for 6 months and putting this together in a really cool collaborative way and then Mark Reategui helped me with editing and additional animation…I did the art based on the workers at Dr. Comics and Mr. games, whom I love very much. I encourage you to go support comic bookstores and be apart of the culture because it is very fun! Go buy some comics and be fun! peace.



A taste of some of my monstrous freak toys. Collaborations with some great people and companies! Wondergoblin, Mutant Vinyl Hardcore, and Unbox industries! Who doesn’t love monster toys!?